Monday, February 23, 2009

Oh to be a Texan!

When you are in Texas you will find that some people are born Texan; some people are Texan by choice; but you can always tell that one person in a group who is neither a chosen or a born Texan. They are the tourist.


Katherine said...

I'm sure he meant to write "No offense Sylvia!" after that. If not, then I'm saying it for him. :) Love you both.

Sylvia said...


I'm not offended in the least! Texans love their guns and their rights. We're starting to see more flags with signs in the yard urging secession. Oh, Texans...the few, the proud!

Great post, Ron! And no worries Katherine but thanks so much for your sensitivity.

Russ, Jenni & The Girls said...

I love this Post!! So funny!

Gearhart Family said...

Very funny! My Ronnie even laughed out loud when he watched it. Hey Sylv - I told Ronnie your comment and his response about the secession was, "We're moving to Texas!" Yipee! Okay - so not really.

Dave or Ronda said...

I can tell I need to up my video production. That was the best!

Tanielle said...

Chris and I sure had a good laugh!